Site Owner / Administration

Dewayne Goodwin
DG'S Marketing

FAQs and Support

Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found on this page and sometimes a link with more detailed information. If you do happen to find something that is not listed here, please submit a support ticket with your question.
Contact Support Now!

Account Questions & Answers

How do I get started?

Visit our "Signup page" and fill in your details and click submit (we recommend using a Gmail address). Click HERE to signup now. Once you have submitted your signup details, you will need to click the verification link in your welcome email to verify your email address. Then just login to your account and visit the "Getting Started" page, to setup your profile and advertising and start earning credits for your advertising needs.

How do I delete my account?

Accounts are never deleted at The Traffic Finder. If you do find your account deleted it is because we have had a MySQL database crash. If this happens please submit a support ticket so we can have your account restored from the latest backup. Contact Support Now!
If you wish your information removed from your account and your account suspended so only administration can access it. We are more than happy to do this for you to protect your information if you no longer wish to use our services. All you need to do is submit a support ticket asking us to remove your account information and suspend your account. Contact Support Now!

How do I resend my verification email?

We recommend you use Gmail when you signup for your account. You may also need to check your SPAM or Junk Folder for our email. If you wish to have your email address changed and a new verification email sent. Please submit a support ticket with the name and email you used for signup and your new email address. Contact Support Now!
You can also select resend verification email from our site navigation panel or by visiting the login page.

How do I add my picture?

Our site uses Gravatar (A Globally Recognized Avatar), all you need to do is signup for a Gravatar account HERE using the same email that you used when you joined our site or you can add extra emails to your Gravatar account later and setup separate Avatar pictures for each email address. Then upload your picture to Gravatar and give it "G" rating.

How do I cancel my upgrade and/or subscription?

Login to your PayPal account and cancel your subscription there. Just search your PayPal for payments to Jamie Hargrave Online Services, and click where it says "Recurring Payment", then double check the information on the Recurring Payment page and click the Cancel button. Visit PayPal Now!

Why was my account suspended?

Accounts are suspended for many reasons, most of the time you have done nothing wrong to cause this. Examples: failure to answer the surf verify questions, failure to click the correct icon within a 80% accuracy rating, if we detect cheating of any kind and failure to comply with our "Terms and Conditions". As you can see there are many reasons. If you submit a support ticket we can discuss the reason and in most cases have your account restored to active.
Contact Support Now!

Advertising Questions

Are sites that are not in English allowed?

All sites must be 90% English Terms and they pass our security checks.

How do I get started?

Visit our "Getting Started Guide" for information on setting up your advertising and many other site related features. You need to be a member to view the "Getting Started Guide".

How do I get my signup bonus?

Once you have surfed 100 pages your signup bonus will be added to your account.

Why can't I surf?

In order to be able to surf you need to have at least one web site added and your auto-assign credits setup. Please visit the "Getting Started Guide" and complete the "Basic Setup". Then you will be able to surf and earn credits for your advertising needs. You need to be a member to view the "Getting Started Guide".

Why does my site get paused / suspended or why can't I add my site?

The security script runs constant checks on sites in rotation for anything that could cause a problem. The script then pauses or suspends that site for further review by administration. If your site has been suspended, you may delete it and receive a full credit refund for any assigned credits. When we check sites, which is normally at least twice a day we will enable sites that pass all the checks. If your site has a suspended status you will need to delete it as we do not check suspended sites very regularly. You can try re-adding your site as it may pass the check next time you try. Sites that are listed in our banned list will get a suspended status. You need to be a member to view our banned site list.

Surfing / Rewards & Prizes

Do I have to play the games and claim the prizes?

No, games are there for fun and to give you a break from viewing ads. If you wish to just continue surfing you may do so. Some surfing rewards require you to visit a particular rewards page on our site to claim them. Examples: Surfer Rewards and Promo Codes need to be manually entered from the Members Area page.

Do you have a daily surf limit?

Yes, we have a daily surf limit enforced to prevent over surfing, credit farming and to ensure all members have a fair chance to view ads and earn advertising credits. This daily surf limit also ensures a better advertising environment.
All members have a daily surf limit cap of 1001 pages.

How do I start surfing and earning credits?

If you have your web site/s added and auto-assign setup. Just click the "Surf" button, then the surfing page will open and you will be able to view ads from other advertisers / members. The surfing page is divided into 2 main parts. The top part is called the Surf-bar. The main part of the page is where the ads are displayed for viewing. On the surf-bar you need to click the picture that matches the picture on the left of the five pictures. Once you have clicked the picture your account will be credited for the visit and the next ad will begin loading. Once the timer reaches 0 (zero) you can click the matching icon (picture) and continue to earn credits and view ads.

Why did I not get a credit for my click/s?

If you click the wrong icon (picture) in the surf-bar you do not receive credit for viewing the ad. If you did click the correct icon and did not receive credit you may need to either/or clear your browsers cache and cookies. If that does not help, try rebooting your modem. If that does not help you may need to flush your DNS cache and reboot your Computer.

Why are the surf-bar icons (pictures) not loading?

Most often this is due to extremely busy times of the day on our server when lots of members are viewing ads. It could also be caused by Internet lag which is often caused by a poor connection to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). Sometimes rebooting the modem can help you get a better connection but not always or you may just need to clear your web browsers cache and cookies.

Earning Cash and Getting Referrals

How can I earn cash at The Traffic Finder?

The most effective way is to refer new members, we often give bonuses for new referrals that you refer even if they never surf. Not to mention if your referral purchases advertising or an upgrade you earn a commission from the sale.

How do I get referrals?

To get referrals you need to promote your affiliate links at other Traffic Exchanges and/or Mailing sites. You may promote your link almost any where as long as you are not breaking any SPAM laws. SPAM laws vary for each country and severe penalties apply, so if you are uncertain I would recommend just using other Traffic Exchanges and Mailing sites. You can get all your Affiliate promoting needs by visiting the "Affiliate Toolbox" once you have joined. If you are upgraded you could also receive a Random Referral when people join from our home page or search engines.

About us:

My name is Dewayne Goodwin and I am the owner and administrator of the site was founded in September 2014.
Business details are below:
5 Sahama Village,
Tuscaloosa Alabama,

Copyright © 2014 and beyond. The Traffic Finder. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.