Surf Verify

The Surf Verify page is used to prevent members from using "Bot software" to automatically earn credits at manual traffic exchanges. The Surf Verify page is very user friendly and is very easy to spot when surfing. Below is an image of the Surf Verify page. The answer is provided with the question, all you need to do is click the correct button "True" or "False" each time the Surf Verify page appears. If you continue to surf without answering the question or answer incorrectly a denial is added to your account. If your account does get suspended please send me a support ticket so I can review your account. In most cases I will set your account back to active. I do realize that honest mistakes are going to happen so please don't get upset if you make a mistake. Only members with an extremely high denial rate will remain suspended. Also other forms of information is used in the review process. In most cases 99.99% of members will have their account reactivated in a timely manner.

I care about my members and the quality of traffic they receive to their advertising. Unfortunately a small percentage of people 0.01% will do everything they can to cheat the system 24/7 all year round. I also participate in the anti-cheaters community with other TE owners. The end goal is to provide my valued members with the highest level of service and results for their advertising needs and to ensure they have real people viewing their advertising. I would also like to thank my valued members that participate in using the Surf Verify system. Your participation ensures the success of advertising at